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Hazeé, S., De Keyser, A., Larivière, B., Kim, Y., Talebi, A., and Gordeliy, I. (2025). Just walk out stores—the future of shopping?  Examining configurations of reasons for and against consumer adoption. Psychology & Marketing, forthcoming.

Larivière, B., Verleye, K., De Keyser, A., Koerten, K., and Schmidt A. (2025). The Service Robot Customer Experience (SR-CX): A Matter of AI Intelligences and Customer Service Goals. Journal of Service Research, forthcoming


Larivière, B., Schetgen, L., Bogaert, M., and Van den Poel, D. (2025). Customer Experiences and Coping Behaviors during Crisis Situations: The Role of Service Adaptation and Service Transformation. Journal of Business Research, forthcoming

  • An earlier version of this paper won The Lazaridis Award for Most Promising Research at IMRC Conference, 2021


Keiningham, T., Aksoy, L., Buoye, A., Yan, A., Morgeson III, F. V., Woodall, G., and Larivière, B. (2024). Customer Perceptions of Firm Innovativeness and Market Performance: A Nation-Level, Longitudinal, Cross-Industry Examination. Journal of Service Research, 27 (4), 475-489.


Mehmood, K., Verleye, K., De Kesyser, A., and Larivière, B. (2024). The transformative potential of AI-enabled personalization across cultures. Journal of Services Marketing, 38 (6), 711-730.


Li, C., and Larivière, B. (2023). The more extroverted the better? Unraveling the complex relationship between service robots' personality and the service robot experience. Psychology & Marketing, 40(11), 2370-2386.

  • An earlier version of this paper won the Best Full Paper Award at the AIRSI 2022 Conference


Henkens, B., Verleye, K., Larivière, B., and Perks, H. (2023). Pathways to service system smartness for firms. Journal of Service Research, 26(4), 521-541.

  • An earlier version of this paper won the Best Conference Paper Award at the 2022 LaLonde in Service Management Conference


Van Baelen, F., De Regge, M., Larivière, B., Verleye, K., Schelfout, S., and Eeckloo, K. (2022). Role of social and app-related factors in behavioral engagement with mHealth for improved well-being among chronically ill patients: scenario-based survey study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 10(8), e33772.


Mehmood, K., Verleye, K., De Keyser, A., and Larivière, B. (2022). Piloting personalization research through data-rich environments: a literature review and future research agenda. Journal of Service Management, 34(3), 520-552.


Larivière, B., and Smit, E. G. (2022). People–planet–profits for a sustainable world: Integrating the triple-P idea in the marketing strategy, implementation and evaluation of service firms. Journal of Service Management, 33(4/5), 507-519.

  • Highly Commended Paper Award of the Year 2022


Henkens, B., Verleye, K., and Larivière, B. (2021). The smarter, the better?! Customer well-being, engagement, and perceptions in smart service systems. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 38(2), 425-447.


De Pourcq, K., Verleye, K., Larivière, B., Trybou, J., and Gemmel, P. (2021). Implication of customer participation in outsourcing noncore services to third parties. Journal of Service Management, 32 (3), 438-458.


Grosso, M., Castaldo, S., Li, H.A., Larivière, B. (2020). What Information Do Shoppers Share? The Effect of Personnel-, Retailer-, and Country-Trust on Willingness to Share Information. Journal of Retailing, 96 (4); 524-547.


Verhulst, N., Vermeir, I., Slabbinck, H., Larivière, B., Mauri, M., and Russo, V. (2020). A neurophysiological exploration of the dynamic nature of emotions during the customer experience. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57 (November), 1-13.


Larivière, B., and Kandampully, J. (2019). Moving forward and making an impact in service research: From research priorities to research methodologies. Journal of Service Management, 30 (5), 521-523.


Keiningham, T.L., Rust, R.T., Larivière, B., Aksoy, L. and Williams, L. (2018). A Roadmap for Driving Customer Word-of-mouth. Journal of Service Management, 29 (1), 2-38.

  • Highly Commended Paper Award of the Year 2018


Larivière, B., Bowen, D., Andreassen T., Kunz, W., Sirianni, N., Vos, C., Wuenderlich, N., and De Keyser, A. (2017). Service Encounter 2.0: An Investigation into The Roles of Technology, Employees and Customers. Journal of Business Research, 79 (October), 238-246.

  • Included in the Steve Shugan Top20 list of most impactful marketing papers – i.e., being ranked #10


Larivière, B., Keiningham, T.L., Aksoy, L., Yalçin, A., Morgeson, F., and Mithas, S. (2016). Modeling Heterogeneity in The Satisfaction, Loyalty Intention and Shareholder Value Linkage: A Cross-Industry Analysis at the Customer and Firm Level. Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (1), 91-109.

  • An earlier version of this paper won the Best Practitioner Presentation Award, Frontiers in Service Conference (2012)


Aksoy, L., Hogreve, J., Larivière, B., Ordanini, A., and Orsingher, C. (2015). Relative Measures in Service Research. Journal of Services Marketing, 29 (6/7), 448-452.


Aksoy, L., Keiningham, T.L., Buoye, A., Larivière, B., Williams, L. and Wilson, I. (2015). Does loyalty span domains? Examining the relationship between consumer loyalty, other loyalties, and happiness. Journal of Business Research, 68 (12), 2464-2476.


Keiningham, T.L., Cooil, B., Malthouse, E.C., Buoye, A., Aksoy, L., De Keyser, A., and Larivière, B. (2015). Perceptions Are Relative: An Examination of the Relationship between Relative Satisfaction Metrics and Share of Wallet. Journal of Service Management, 26 (1), 2-43.

  • Lead Article

  • Outstanding Paper Award of the Year 2015

  • An earlier version of this paper won the Best Practitioner Presentation Award, Frontiers in Service Conference (2013)


Van Vaerenbergh, Y., Orsingher, C., Vermeir, I., and Larivière, B. (2014). A Meta-Analysis of Relationships Linking Service Failure Attributions to Customer Outcomes. Journal of Service Research, 17 (4), 381-398.

  • Finalist Journal of Service Research Best Paper Award


Keiningham, T.L, Aksoy, L., Malthouse, E.C., Buoye, A. and Larivière, B. (2014). The Cumulative Effect of Satisfaction with Discrete Transactions on Share of Wallet. Journal of Service Management, 25 (3), 310-333.

  • An earlier version of this paper was Finalist Best Paper Award, ICORIA Conference (2011)


Van Vaerenbergh, Y., De Keyser, A., and Larivière, B., (2014). Customer Intentions to Invoke Conditional versus Unconditional Service Guarantees: Do Excellence in Service Recovery and Cultural Orientation Matter? Managing Service Quality, 24 (1), 45-62.

  • Highly Commended Paper Award of the Year 2014


Larivière, B., Keiningham, T.L., Cooil, B., Aksoy, L., and Malthouse, E.C. (2014). A Longitudinal Examination of the Three-Component Model of Customer Commitment and Loyalty: The Importance of Identifying Customer Segments and Using Panel Survey Data. Journal of Service Management, 25 (1), 75-100.

  • Outstanding Paper Award of the Year 2014).

  • An earlier version of this paper won the Best Practitioner Presentation Award, Frontiers in Service Conference (2009)


De Keyser, A. and Larivière, B. (2014). Technical and Functional Service Quality as Drivers of Consumer Happiness: The Moderating Influence of Channel Usage. Journal of Service Management, 25 (1), 30-48.

  • Winner Best Doctoral Services Paper, Positive Marketing Conference (2013)


Van Vaerenbergh, Y., Vermeir, I., and Larivière, B. (2013). Service recovery’s impact on customers next-in-line,” Managing Service Quality. 23 (6), 495-512.

  • Outstanding Paper Award of the Year 2013


Larivière, B., Joosten, H., Malthouse, E.C., Van Birgelen, M., Aksoy, P., Kunz,W., and HUAN, M-H. (2013). Value Fusion: The Blending of Consumer and Firm Value in the Distinct Context of Mobile Technologies and Social Media. Journal of Service Management, 24 (3), 268-293.

  • Highly Commended Paper Award of the Year 2013


Aksoy, L., Buoye, A., Aksoy, P., Larivière, B., and Keiningham, T.L. (2013). A Cross-National Investigation of the Satisfaction and Loyalty Linkage for Mobile Telecommunications Services across Eight Countries. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27 (1), 74-82.


Van Vaerenbergh, Y., Larivière, B., and Vermeir I. (2012). The Impact of Process Recovery Communications on Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Intentions and Word-of-Mouth Intentions. Journal of Service Research, 15 (3), 262-279.


Larivière, B., Aksoy, L., Cooil, B., and Keiningham, T.L. (2011). Does Satisfaction Matter More if a Multichannel Customer Is also a Multicompany Customer? Journal of Service Management.(formerly: Industrial Journal of Service Industry Management), 22 (1), 39-66.


Larivière, B. (2008). Linking perceptual and behavioral customer metrics to multiperiod customer profitability: A comprehensive service-profit chain application. Journal of Service Research, 11 (1), 3-21.

  • Lead Article

  • Finalist Journal of Service Research Best Paper Award


Larivière, B. and Van den Poel, D. (2007). Banking Behaviour after the lifecycle event of “moving in together”: An exploratory study of the role of marketing investments. European Journal of Operational Research, 183 (1), 345-369.


Larivière, B. and Van den Poel, D. (2005). Investigating the post-complaint period by means of survival analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 29 (3), 667-677.


Larivière, B. and Van den Poel, D. (2005). Predicting customer retention and profitability by using random forests and regression forests techniques. Expert Systems with Applications, 29 (2), 472-484.


Van den Poel, D. and Larivière, B. (2004). Customer attrition analysis for financial services using proportional hazard models. European Journal of Operational Research, 157 (1), 196-217.


Larivière, B. and Van den Poel, D. (2004). Investigating the role of product features in preventing customer churn, by using survival analysis and choice modeling: The case of financial services. Expert Systems with Applications, 27 (2), 277-285.

©2020 by Bart Larivière.

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